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The JavaScript filter() Function

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The details of the `filter()` Function in JavaScript

filter() is a very important method of an array.

This example iterates the array a and builds a new array with elements of a that returned true when running the function f() on each a element

const b = a.filter(f)

A good example of using filter() is when you want to remove an item from the array:

const items = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
const valueToRemove = 'c'
const filteredItems = items.filter(item => item !== valueToRemove)
// ["a", "b", "d", "e", "f"]

Here is how you could remove multiple items at the same time:

const items = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
const valuesToRemove = ['c', 'd']
const filteredItems = items.filter(item => !valuesToRemove.includes(item))
// ["a", "b", "e", "f"]
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